Cuoco was so grateful to the fan who decided to turn the wallet in out of the goodness of their heart.
“Someone picked it up and saw it was me, and wrote ‘Penny’ on the front on a piece of paper, gave it back to their manager, and left it there,” she shared.
“Whoever did that, whoever is out there, thank you. I wish I could have met you, I would have given you all the cash in my wallet, or whatever was in there. I really would have given you anything.”
The actress shared that while it could’ve been a very bad day, it left her feeling good about humanity.
“I was so grateful there was someone so sweet on this earth, and honest, and it didn’t go unnoticed, and I will never forget that because that could have been a very bad day for me,” she explained.
“So whoever you are, whoever returned my wallet, and the manager at Sharky’s, you guys were so nice! I came in crying; they were like, ‘Penny!’ So there is good in the world.”
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