Video Credit: HBO
Though we’re nearing the end of Season 2 of Big Little Lies and the storyline this season is different from the first, the show is ultimately at its core about friendship — and it’s obvious that the cast great chemistry onscreen and off.
In this clip, actresses Shailene Woodley, Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern, and Zoe Kravitz discuss the impact the first season has on the current season and what it tells us about friendship.
“One thing I would say is that part of what made it so pungent in the first season for me, as a viewer, was that it was a very specific locale, and the people were very specific,” Streep says. Watch the video above to see how they feel about what’s happening onscreen.

Video Credit: HBO

Video Credit: HBO
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