Days of Our Lives star Robert Scott Wilson, who portrays Alex on the Peacock soap, partnered with Aura Watches this year to bring high-end timepieces without breaking the bank. Do you have a guy in your life who loves to collect and show off his favorite watches?
A Timely Gift
Bryan: How did you get involved with Aura Watches?
Robert: One of my best friends is the original owner. It’s been really remarkable. We have done over $1 million dollars in sales in year one and we are hopefully going to continue on that trajectory. We have an amazing team of watchmakers and casemakers as well…people from not just the world of watches but also from music and fashion. We have had a bunch of great sales from Black Friday on, which really moves a lot of product. People have become trustworthy of the brand because they are getting the product and they are actually holding up to [the reviews] they are reading and seeing what other people say about them. They have been buying multiple [watches], and it is just growing. It is really great, and I am happy to be a part of it.
Bryan: Did your modeling background help you with the photoshoots for the timepieces?
Robert: With the modeling I was just doing that on my own. I have some really great photographers, and I started shooting stuff on my own with the house photographer through Aura. I have not done modeling in a while, but I did it for a long time too. Just jumping back in has been cool because I can be a little bit more creative and have it be a little bit more of my style because I am part owner of the company.
You can see all of the different styles at Aura Watches. Prices range between $150-$850.
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