On today’s Days of our Lives, Talia Hunter took it upon herself to halt Colin’s crime spree.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
In addition, worry over his missing wife nearly drove Abe (James Reynolds) to an early grave, Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) continued as she means to go on [that is, as a lying liar who lies], and Nicole (Arianne Zucker) decided to forgo accepting EJ’s (Dan Feuerriegel) proposal…for now. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Days of our Lives Recap: Talia Hunter Calls For Help
At the Salem Inn, Talia (Aketra Sevillian) pondered the meaning of Paulina’s (Jackée Harry) scarf being in Colin’s (Jasper Newman) hotel room.
Opposite, Jada (Elia Cantu) attempted to put the screws to Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) but wound up making a major slip of the tongue and revealing her sister’s complicity in Colin’s wrongdoings.
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
Jada attempted to walk back her mistake and found herself saved by the trilling of her cell phone. It was a panicked Talia demanding an audience. Jada flew to her sister’s side, and after a contentious back and forth, Talia deduced that Colin had brought Paulina to his room before forcing her up onto the hotel’s roof.
High above the squabbling siblings, Colin spouted his intention to force Paulina to swan dive over the side of the building so that Chanel (Raven Bowens) would have to deal with the same pain that she inflicted upon him years earlier.
Chanel attempted to convince Colin that she was as much a victim of circumstance as he was, but he dismissed the notion out of hand.
Days of our Lives Recap: Talia Hunter Rides To Chanel’s Rescue
Soon Jada — her service weapon drawn — and Talia were on the scene. The former bellowed for Colin to drop his gun and release Paulina, and the latter blubbered for him to do as her sister said. But Colin was not to be deterred…and when Paulina was suddenly seized by a panic attack that left her [literally] down for the count, Colin clutched Chanel close and decided to dispatch her instead.

Talia lunged for a lover [Colin, not Chanel], a [rather unconvincing] struggle ensued, and both tumbled over the side of the roof!
DAYS Recap: SPD Blue
Meanwhile, Rafe (Galen Gering) summoned an ambulance for a grievously wounded Abe and stayed by his side until it arrived — Abe’s protestations that Rafe should abandon him and go rescue Paulina be damned!
At University Hospital, Abe’s concern for Paulina’s safety seemingly brought about a seizure that the attending traced back to an intracranial hemorrhage.

Emergency surgery was the only chance Abe had at making a recovery, so Rafe found himself tasked with tracking down one of Abe’s sons, explaining the dire situation at hand, and convincing them to give their consent. Theo proved to be his pop’s best bet.
DOOL Recap: In The Name Of The Father
Back at the cop shop, having already delighted in Sloan’s arrest and been casually dismissed by Jada [prompting her to ask Eric, “So, Nicole Walker, Sloan Petersen, and her. Do you have a thing for obnoxious women?”], Melinda Trask (Tina Huang) sauntered into the interrogation room, ready to lock horns with Counselor Petersen.
Imagine Melinda’s surprise upon learning from Sloan that, “Detective Hunter has a sister named Talia, and she’s up to her neck in this.” and the chagrin she must have felt when forced to drop the charges against leveled against Sloan as a result.
But that was Sloan’s only victory. “That brother of yours he’s going to have to answer for what he did. And so is Talia Hunter.” hissed/threatened/promised Melinda.
In light of learning of Abe’s grave condition and Colin’s apparent womannapping of Paulina, Melinda strongly suggested to Sloan that she “give up this stupid vendetta that you’ve got.

After making their way to Horton Town Square, Sloan did her utmost to convince Eric that she hadn’t been privy to Colin’s machinations, only that he’d been in Salem. Eric, in turn, proposed that they keep no more secrets from each other.
Sloan agreed, even as she flashbacked to learning that Nicole was pregnant and unsure who the baby’s father was. EJ or Eric? Eric or EJ?
Days of our Lives Recap: Baby Daze
At the DiMera manse, EJ implored Nicole for an answer to his proposal seeing as how his bended knee was going to sleep. But an answer was not forthcoming, seeing as how Ms. Walker didn’t care for the way EJ went about making the proposal. She was looking for/expecting something “simple” and/or “sincere.”
EJ rose from the floor, took Nicole’s hand, and gave it another go. “Nicole Walker, will you do me the honor of marrying me.” No, came Nicole’s response. Why would she want to marry a “cynical, opportunistic jackass.”
To be clear, she rejected him, and she was calling him names. What’s more, EJ is lucky that she “didn’t knee him in the DiMera family jewels.” After all, his one and only reason for asking her to marry him was because Stefan (Brandon Barash) had asked the same of Gabi (Camila Banus).
EJ granted that the timing of the proposal was crass and hurtful [Nicole’s words, not exactly his, but close] and that it might have been in response to Stefan’s own proposal, but he swore that it wasn’t the only reason. “I happen to love you!” he declared with a flourish.
“You love me?” asked a shocked Nicole. “Yes, I do. In fact, I’m very much in love with you,” assured EJ. When Nicole expressed surprise, EJ offered that they’d been in love before — enough to get married.
Nicole quipped that she’s still got the battle scars to prove it, to which EJ proposed [pun intended] that it would be different this time around as they’d both “evolved.”
With Nicole obviously still hedging, EJ confided that he’s the happiest he’s been in a long time and crowed about how the two of them are such a “good fit,” how they work beautifully together, how madly attracted they are to one another, and how easily they can make each other laugh. “That’s love, isn’t it?”
Nicole managed to muster that she does indeed “care” about EJ, prompting EJ to assume that she’s still hung up on Eric. Not true, insisted Nicole. It’s just…it’s just that “the timing’s a bit off.” EJ took her by surprise, and she needs time to think. EJ offers her as much as she needs.

Once EJ takes his leave after a kiss, Nicole pondered her predicament — pregnant and unsure who the baby’s father is. EJ or Eric? Eric or EJ?
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