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Stefan DiMera Finds Himself At Dr. Rolf’s Mercy – And Not For The First Time

The DAYS recap for Wednesday, February 22, 2023: The mad scientist plans to cut out that loving feeling for Chloe once and for all.

days of our lives recap for wednesday, february 22, 2023 stefan dimera,Stefan DiMera isn't the least bit pleased by his predicament.

On today’s Days of our Lives, Stefan DiMera runs afoul of Brady and finds himself KO’d and left prone for a probing by Salem’s answer to Dr. Frankenstein.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Johhny (Carson Boatman) jumped the gun, Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) won Gabi (Camila Banus) over with a persuasive argument, and EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) came to a startling conclusion. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Stefan DiMera Gets Taken For A Ride

Stefan (Brandon Barash) wasn’t in the least bit impressed by Brady’s (Eric Martsolf) subterfuge, and he demanded some answers. Just what was his rival playing at?

It’s simple, explained Brady, he was there to convince Stefan that it was time to get Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) out of his head once and for all. After all, does Stefan really think that Gabi is going to put up with his waffling between her and the songbird for much longer?

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Well, yes…yes Stefan does. As far as he’s concerned, Gabi will put up with his confusion for as long as he wants to be confused because he’s the love of her life, and she doesn’t want to lose him. Charming that.

Also, Stefan has no plans to ever again let Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton) tinker with his noggin. The previous attempt scarred him for life. But Brady didn’t care.

With it becoming increasingly clear that Stefan didn’t intend to play ball, no matter how good an argument Brady made, he decided on a more proactive course of action. So, once Stefan’s back was turned, Brady pounced and choked him out!

days of our lives recap for february 22, 2023 has brady doing a chokehold on stefan
Brady Black took control of the situation.

Meanwhile, at the local cop shop, Eric (Greg Vaughan) politely asked for permission to speak with Rolf. Rafe (Galen Gering) denied the request, but Eric would not be deterred. But why, exactly, did he want an audience with the madman? Did he, as Rafe suspected, plan to dole out some vigilante justice? Hardly.

Still, Rafe stuck to his guns — there was one person, and only one person that he was legally obliged to let Rolf communicate with, and that was his lawyer. Well, good thing I work for Sloan (Jessica Serfaty), insisted Eric. Oh really, inquired Rafe. Since when? And what qualifications does Eric have for the job? Hmm? Hmm?

I’ve got skills, growled Eric. Varied skills. Skills acquired during his stint as a priest. Just not the skill to remain celibate when required, catty Rafe responded.

Anywho, with no other recourse available to him, Rafe gave Eric 20 minutes with the prisoner. And that was all Eric needed to convince Rolf that 1) his lawyer wasn’t working in his best interest, 2) Sloan was actually on Li Shin’s payroll, and 3) if he wanted that sweet, sweet plea deal on offer, he’d better put his John Hancock to his previous confession.

Once free and clear of the station, Eric hustled Rolf over to the Brady Pub and up to one of the apartments that Brady had made a home (read: prison) for Stefan.

DOOL Recap: Just Say No

Johnny and Wendy (Victoria Grace) were at a loss. Just what could have been in the empty vial that they found on the floor of Stefan and EJ’s shared office? Drugs? Yeah…probably drugs. But whose drugs?

days of our lives recap for february 22, 2023 has wendy and johnny curious about a vial
Wendy Shin and Johnny are intrigued by what he found.

They start by considering Stefan. The dude has been a mess ever since Rolf screwed with his brain. Is it possible that the mystery substance is one step in an “unbrainwashing” regimen? Johnny is doubtful.

So that leaves…EJ. That seems more likely to Johnny, considering that EJ was once a drugs baron with Kentucky-fried partner-in-crime Clyde Weston — that one came as quite a shock to Wendy. Plus, this would go a long way in explaining EJ’s out-of-character behavior as of late.

Li Shin: Deal Maker

Gabi was incredulous. Surely Li must want something in return for his shares in DiMera Enterprises. Pish, posh, contraries Li, he has no ulterior motives. Gabi should really learn to not look a gift horse in the mouth and just accept the fact that Li is, to use yet another “lame-ass cliche,” putting his money where his mouth is.

He wants to prove to her the extent of his love, and this is his way of doing that. He wants nothing in return. Nothing at all….except one, small, teeny, tiny favor: stay married to him for six measly months!

Say what, bellowed Gabi. Li has got to be kidding. What does he take her for? A fool? He’s not, and never that. As for Gabi’s subsequent question — why would he want to remain in a loveless marriage — Li offers that he loves her therefore the marriage isn’t loveless. That, and there’s the fact that he truly believes that she still loves him deep, deep, deep down inside.

days of our lives recap for february 22, 2023 has li making a deal with gabi
Li Shin has a proposal for Gabi.

Gabi is shocked. SHOCKED! But also…impressed? Maybe even a little convinced that Li might be on to something? Maybe. Either way, the deal is sealed with a handshake.

Does EJ deserve what Stefan's been doing?

DAYS Recap: Father’s Daze

Elsewhere, the DiMera mansion, to be precise, EJ and Nicole (Arianne Zucker) basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking for all of two seconds before bringing Eric into the discussion. Is Nicole thinking about Eric, EJ wondered. Well, no, she hadn’t been until EJ brought him up. Why did he do that exactly?

Because EJ’s worried. Worried that he and Nicole only fell back into bed because Nicole was jealous of the *ahem* good times Eric was sharing with Sloan.

days of our lives recap for february 22, 2023 has ej and nicole basking in the afterglow
EJ DiMera put his heart on the line with Nicole.

Nicole granted EJ that their sojourn to the bedroom might have been accelerated by *gulp* jealousies, but swore that she had real feelings for her ex. They’re just so darn compatible. More compatible than she and Eric ever were. She and EJ…they just get each other. EJ is heartened by that, and the two agree to continue on this journey of reconciliation.

But before they can get back on track — in a manner of speaking — in burst Johnny, wondering if his pops is on the smack. Heavens no, said EJ. Thank G-d, said Johhny. If that’s not your vial of drugs, then it must be Stefan’s, Mensa member Nicole guessed. Yes, yes, agreed EJ. But was his brother partaking, or was Stefan dosing him? Dun, dun, dun!

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