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Sloan Petersen Is Finally Ready To Be Eric’s Girlfriend

DAYS recap for Thursday, April 20, 2023: These two crazy kinds have come a long, long way.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 20, 2023, sloan petersen and eric smoochingSloan Petersen and Eric engage in some PDA.

On today’s Days of our Lives, Sloan Petersen bit the proverbial bullet and revealed that she wants something more out of her and Eric’s relationship.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Nicole (Arianne Zucker) and EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) took sage advice from Anna (Leann Hunley) and Tony (Thaao Penghlis), respectively. Also, Stefan (Brandon Barash) and Gabi (Camila Banus) decided to deposit themselves at the DiMera manse — much to the residents’ chagrin — and Wendy (Victoria Grace) and Tripp (Lucas Adams) finally had their first real date. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Sloan Petersen Yearns For Exclusivity

Though steamy visions of Nicole kept him otherwise occupied for a time, Eric (Greg Vaughan) eventually made his way downstairs to the Brady Pub, where Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) was anxiously awaiting him.

After Eric issued his apologies, Sloan bemoaned the fact that she hadn’t joined him. After all, she has “such fond memories of you and I in the shower. All the things we did in such a tiny, little space that I never thought that we could do. But boy, you sure did prove me wrong.”

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

With such naught insinuations in the ether, Eric wondered if that meant he and Sloan were going to be able to “get back on track,” but Sloan copped to not being interested in picking up where they left off. A no-strings-attached relationship full of “hot sex” just wasn’t going to work for her anymore.

“Unlike everybody else in this town, you trust me,” offered Sloan, adding, “You make me feel ways I never expected to feel. And I know that I fought so hard to keep this causal between you and I…but I’m no longer willing to be just your booty call. I want more…I want to be your girlfriend.”

Before Eric had a chance to respond — or even recover from the shock — the convo was brought to a screeching halt by Paulina Price’s (Jackée Harry) screeching, “Sloan Petersen, your skinny ass is mine!”

After preening that Abe (James Reynolds) had made short order of Sloan’s frivolous restraining order, Paulina warned that her rival would soon be arrested for the town-wide druggings and strongly suggested to Eric that he “take 149 steps back from this bitch before she drags you down with her!”

Eric rode to Sloan’s defense, insisting that she wasn’t responsible for the spiked dough. And how is he so certain? Because Sloan told him so, and he believes her.

Later, post Paulina’s stomping away in a huff, Sloan refocused on her earlier condition, and Eric agreed that they should indeed become boyfriend and girlfriend.

DAYS Recap: Accentuate The Positives

At the DiMera mansion, EJ groused to Tony that Nicole was keeping a major secret from him. Tony’s advice? Let her keep it. “The essential ingredient in a healthy relationship is the discernment in what you share,” offered Tony, who knows of what he speaks. What should EJ be concerned about? Whether or not Nicole is happy with him.

Opposite this, a distraught Nicole, who couldn’t manage to keep her fantasies of Eric at bay, opened her door to a hungover Anna who was desperately searching for aspirin.

Equally desperate and in want of making a clean breast of things, Nicole took Anna into her confidence and filled her in on the latest goings on — including the fact that she’d “ended up in bed with Eric.”

Given that the two were high on “tainted biscuits,” Anna wondered if perhaps the two of them had merely imagined the encounter, but Nicole knew better.

Anna understood, then queried if this meant that Nicole and Eric were officially back together, but Nicole knew better.

After briefly considering the predicament, Anna concluded that Nicole should keep her “one-time slip up” a secret. Besides, Nicole and Eric only got together because they were both “stoned out of [their] gourds,” and if Anna has learned anything from being married to a DiMera, it’s that it is “perfectly fine to have a few harmless secrets from your partner.” EJ arrived, and Anna let them have some alone time, in which both remained mum about the past and instead concentrated on their future.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 20, 2023, has ej interrupting girl talk with nicole and anna.
Anna DiMera tried to help Nicole with her EJ issue.

Stefan Moves Gabi Into The Family Abode

Stefan was surprised to find Gabi back at the hospital and deduced that her jealous self had come to keep an eye on him while he interacted with Melinda (Tina Huang).

Gabi found that all incredibly insulting…but yes, Stefan was correct. But how could he blame her? Melinda is hopelessly attracted to him. Stefan somewhat soothed Gabi’s worry, and the two eventually changed the subject to Gabi’s final parting with Li (Remington Hoffman).

Stefan asked if Li had given her Hell, and Gabi had to admit that he hadn’t. This floored Stefan, who’d assumed that Li would fight for Gabi “until the bitter end.”

The duo concurred that the one downside to Gabi and Li’s divorce would be the loss of Li’s shares in DiMera Enterprises, but Gabi declared that they’d still best EJ in the end.

Talk then turned to where Gabi and Stefan would lay their heads, and he proposed the DiMera manse. So, off the two-headed. No one present when Stefan made the announcement seemed particularly enthused.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 20, 2023, stefan and gabi at the dimera mansion.
Stefan DiMera announced Gabi was moving in.

DOOL Recap: Wrong End Of The Stick

Delighted though he was to see her, Tripp couldn’t help but question Wendy’s sudden appearance in Seattle. That necessitated her recounting how she’d witnessed Johnny proposing to Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Chanel accepting.

When Li called Wendy hoping to intervene on Johnny’s behalf, Wendy refused to listen and instead told her brother to relay her best wishes to the soon-to-be-marrieds [who aren’t actually soon-to-be-marrieds].

So, while Johnny readied to head to Cloud City to clear up the confusion once and for all, Wendy enjoyed Tripp’s culinary skills.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 20, 2023, has wendy and tripp clinking glasses.
Wendy Shin flew to Seattle to be with Tripp.

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