On today’s Days of our Lives, Jada Hunter and Rafe fess up to digging one another and then agree that they shouldn’t do anything about it.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
In addition, Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) said yes to forging a friendship with Xander (Paul Telfer), Abe (James Reynolds) suggested he and Paulina (Jackée Harry) exit stage right, and, despite himself, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) seriously doubted Sloan’s (Jessica Serfaty) innocence. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Jada Hunter And Rafe Clear Something Up
Talia (Aketra Sevillian) swung by the cop shop searching for her big sis only to be told by Rafe (Galen Gering) that she was on assignment. No real bother. But now in want of something to do, Talia teased Rafe about his and Jada’s (Elia Cantu) dinner the night before.
Having overheard the conversation being had, Abe crept in, ready to give Rafe the business for fraternizing with an underling, only for Rafe to stand his ground and insist that he’d merely joined Jada and Talia for a meal at the Brady Pub [purposefully leaving out that Talia had left partway through in an effort to give him and Jada time alone.].
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
The conversation turned to what, exactly, the Salem Police Department was doing in regard to Sloan and her harassment of Paulina and Chanel (Raven Bowens) and of the latest threat Paulina had received via text message.
Opposite this, Eric returned to Sloan’s apartment and found it in quite a state — the result of the thorough going over conducted by Jada. And yes, she did have a warrant.
Jada made a pointed mention of Eric having his own drawer, and Eric, in turn, decried the lecture he wasn’t interested in receiving. But no lecture was incoming. Jada was just observing and, admittedly, judging. Still, she admitted that all she really wanted was for Eric to be happy with whoever he was with.
Back at the stationhouse, Jada arrived mere minutes after Talia had taken her leave [and after Rafe had practically begged the young woman to stop trying to push him and Jada together] and relayed that she found nothing of interest at Sloan’s. Well, nothing as it relates to the case at hand. Jada did learn that their suspect has “crap taste in music” and possesses “more handcuffs than the department has.”
Off that disappointment, Jada and Rafe finally leveled with one another and disappointed themselves further, given that there is [apparently] no way to circumvent the new departmental rules.
DAYS Recap: Stranger Things Have Happened
An indignant Gwen (Emily O’Brien) railed at Xander and Chloe over their “obvious” involvement and refused to listen to the plethora of protestations to the contrary. She even showed them the picture Leo had snapped of the two.

Finally tiring of the endless, pointless back and forth, Xander bellowed that he was indeed head over heels in love with Chloe and planted a big wet smooch.
Gwen hurled the insult “PIG!” and hurried away in disgust; Chloe seconded and smacked Xander across the face. Upon being apprised of what he did wrong and why, Xander profusely apologized, begged forgiveness, and wondered if he and Chloe could actually become friends. To that, Chloe agreed.
Sloan Petersen Will Not Be Denied!
While Chanel preened to Paulina that she was indeed responsible for Lady Whistleblower’s latest column — the one titled “Its Salem’s Top Legal Eagle A Total Psycho?” — Sloan barged in on Leo Stark (Greg Rikaart) and demanded that he issue an immediate retraction. It was a futile mission.
Having been apprised of her mother and Sloan’s latest toxic run-in — which ended with Paulina experiencing another panic attack and Sloan breezing past her — and the fact that Paulina had received yet another threatening message, Chanel was on the immediate attack when she crossed paths with the villainess in question.
Sloan swore that she wasn’t the one who sent Paulina either threat and postulated that it was “one of the 100,000 other people who hate that old, obnoxious bitch.”
Reaching her breaking point, Chanel struck Sloan, and Sloan roared that she’d kill Chanel for that. The women chased one another around the square until Chanel armed herself with a flower arrangement and commenced beating Sloan about the face with it.

Talia happened upon the scene, refereed the two, and tended to a small wound on Chanel’s arm. The air between the two was thick with sexual tension.
At the same time, Abe did his utmost to convince Paulina that they should leave town for a while and finally go on that honeymoon they never had. Paulina loved the idea but couldn’t bring herself to commit.
Instead, she resolved to stand her ground…and figure out what was keeping Chanel.

DOOL Recap: Bumps In The Night
Cut to: The Salem Inn. Gwen relays to Leo her run-in with Xander and Chloe and Xander’s “confession” to being in love with the songstress, and Leo postulates that that’s a great thing. It means that their “plan” is working. Is it, wondered Gwen. Also, what plan?
Several hours later, a mystery figure let themselves into Sweet Bits and dosed a bowl of batter. What is this fiend’s dark intentions?
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