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Hope Brady Has No Idea Harris Is A Lying Liar Who Lies

DAYS recap for Tuesday, April 18, 2023: But who will be the one to rumble his subterfuge?

days of our lives recap for tuesday, april 18, 2023, and incredulous hope brady is ready to hear what harris has to sayHope Brady and Harris Michaels.

On today’s Days of our Lives, Hope Brady was sold a bill of goods by the man she’s grown to love despite the torture he submitted her to.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Chad (Billy Flynnn) got his hero on, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) was convinced to play the long game, and Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) really rather stuck it to Xander (Paul Telfer). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Hope Brady Remains None The Wiser

Hope (Kristian Alfonso) was incredulous, to say the least. Not only wasn’t it Thomas Banks (Eileen Davidson) impersonating Shane Donovan but hope (HA!) of finding out exactly who it was quickly dissipated when the officer attending to the ruse could only give a fairly vague description: “Pretty average-looking guy. Middle-aged. Brown hair, brown eyes. Medium build.” It was discovered that the security camera footage had been erased.

The officer very nearly redeemed himself by recalling that Steve (Stephen Nichols) had been mumbling something as he was dragged out the door by the mystery bad man, but the details escaped him.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Opposite this series of disappointments, Harris was floored to have literally run smack into Bo Brady (Peter Reckell), the Bo Brady, at the threshold of Victor Kiriakis’s childhood home.

Having tried and failed to play dumb, Bo welcomed Harris inside and granted that he knew exactly who he was as well, courtesy of their mutual acquaintance Megan Hathaway (Miranda Wilson).

Oh, how proud Megan had been at orchestrating Harris’s “descent.” How she used to muse about her “corrupting of a good man — a Navy Seal with an impeccable record — turned into a simple hired gun.”

But she’d managed to miss something during the conditioning process, offered Bo, and that was Harris’s “soft side.” And then, of course, there was the “real fly in the ointment” that was Hope.

Harris deduced that Bo had been the patient kept alive in the cryogenic tube during his tenure at Megan’s compound and that it was Bo who was cured via the “medical miracles” provided by the three prisms he was tasked with collecting. He even correctly guessed that it was Bo who absconded from the island with Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) in tow, but Bo denied the charges and insisted that he’d left on his own.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, april 18, 2023, bo brady pulled a gun on harris michaels.
Bo Brady pulled a gun on Harris Michaels.

When Harris attempted to search the property, Bo pulled his gun and then quickly reholstered it. “Killing a military hero…bad karma.”

Instead, Bo set about convincing Harris to keep mum about his resurrection, arguing that, as far as he was concerned, Hope’s husband was dead — he’s his own new man, don’t ya know? — and she’d be better off with Harris.

Agreeing that his and Hope’s budding romance would be over as soon as it started if the truth were to come out, Harris later informed Hope that the property he checked out had been deserted.

DAYS Recap: Hail The Conquering Heroes

In a disused warehouse somewhere in Greece, Chad and Stephanie (Abigail Klein) found themselves at Thomas Banks’s mercy — and boy, did their captor have a story to tell.

According to him, he wasn’t the one who made off with Kayla…but he was an independent contractor with a mission to complete, and he expected the two to hand over their list of Victor’s Greece-based properties. And he expected them to do it before he gets “itchy fingers” and blows them away.

While Steph ostensibly searched her mammoth purse for the document, Chad offered Thomas his condolences on the loss of his “poor sister.’

Thomas wasn’t too chagrined at the idea of Sister Mary Moria biting the bullet (HA!), but he did have a visceral reaction to hearing that it was actually his “Suzy Q” who’d passed.

Taking the provided opportunity, Chad got the drop on Thomas and wound up firing a shot that grazed his ear. After subduing the baddie, Chad and Steph hauled him before the Greek authorities.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, april 18, 2023, chad and stephanie bring in thomas banks.
Chad DiMera brought in Thomas Banks at gunpoint.

Kristen DiMera Throws Her All Behind Megan

Back in Salem, Statesville to be exact, Kristen piqued Brady’s (Eric Martsolf) interest by claiming that she had news, big news. News that would affect not only Brady but “everyone in Salem. This news is so explosive. And it’s gonna change a lot of people’s lives.”

And she’s willing to share it with him…but only on the proviso that he brings Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) to see her. Mercenary as ever!

Later, Kristen again crossed paths with Megan, who commented that she’d just had a tiff with her cellmate over sleeping arrangements, but luckily “once she gets back from the infirmary, I won’t have any [more] problems with her.”

The pleasant chatter out of the way, Megan got down to business. She’s disappointed, patently so in Kristen. “Here I was thinking that we were on the precipice of a newfound sisterhood. Talking about the good, old days. Sharing secrets. Boys. Drinking a bit of toilet wine together. And yet as soon as I turn back, there you are squawking to your man about me and about Bo Brady being alive.

Megan then intimated that she had a plan to escape the prison and that if Kristen played ball, she’d help her fly the coop as well. So, when Brady came a calling, play ball Kristen did.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, april 18, 2023, megan listened as kristen didn't give her up to brady.
Megan Hathaway was pleased by what she heard.

DOOL Recap: Missing The Board

Elsewhere, Xander annihilated the breakfast biscuit that Chloe was about to chow down on and filled her in about the town-wide drugging. Thankful that she wouldn’t be “seeing pink elephants — or worse.” Chloe accompanied Xander into the Brady Pub, where they shared a bowl of chowder and engaged in a friendly game of darts…a game that ended when Chloe inadvertently threw a dart straight into one of Xander’s massive pecs. [And in her defense, she was trying to give Xander a leg up by handicapping herself by throwing with her eyes closed.]

But have no fear! There will be no lasting damage. The wound probably won’t even scar.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, april 18, 2023, xander at the hospital with a bandage on his chest as chloe looks.
Xander Cook should survive.

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