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DAYS Recap: Victor’s Most Dramatic Ex-Wife Returns

Color Maggie Horton Kiriakis all kinds of put out.

vivian alamain returned on the days of our lives recap for thursday, september, 7, 2023.Vivian Alamain shocked everyone by coming home.

In the Days of our Lives recap for September 7, 2023, Vivian Alamain slithered back into town just in time to gatecrash the mourners’ reception at the Kiriakis manse.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Theresa set her eyes on fresh meat, Sarah found herself in quite a predicament, and Shawn continued to self-abuse. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

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A new, sad day dawns in Salem, and Victor’s loved ones slowly but surely ready themselves for the memorial service. At the family compound, Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) made acquaintances with Chelsea Brady (guest star Rachel Melvin) and Theresa Donovan (Jen Lilley)…and boy was he pleased to know that, despite both of them being related to Chels, he and Theresa weren’t.

During their subsequent flirty tête-à-tête, Theresa coped with still being enamored of Brady (Eric Martsolf) who, irony of ironies, was using that exact moment to assure Belle (Martha Madison) and Shawn (Brandon Beemer) that he’d never, ever, ever get back together with Theresa. Like, ever. She might not be as bad as Kristen (Stacy Haiduk), but she was equally bad for him.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

For his part, Alex, well, the new and improved version of Alex, encouraged Theresa to take Brady at face value. No means no. She needs to back off. To that, Theresa could but purr that she’d probably much prefer the old, less enlightened Alex. They could make such beautiful trouble together.

In the estate’s well-appointed drawing room, a flippant remark made by Xander (Paul Telfer) set Sonny (Zach Tinker) off and resulted in an increasingly escalated back and forth that very nearly ended in violence. Enter Bonnie (Judi Evans) and Justin (Wally Kurth) to referee the pair, even if their reasoning that Victor wouldn’t want his family members wasn’t quite as sound as they’d like to think.

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Once the group gathered on the grounds, Justin asked anyone so inclined to step up and share some reembraces of Victor. Chelsea started the procession that included Sonny — who talked about Isabella far more than Brady, her actual son — Xander (who tugged at Sarah’s [Linsey Godfrey] heartstrings by uttering the phrase “If God ever blesses me with a child”), and Philip (John-Paul Lavoisier).

Philip’s eulogy, which ended with him so choked up that Belle felt the need to go up, comfort him, and escort him back to his seat, so irked Shawn that he pouted and refused to say anything.

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With the majority of the guests retired to the drawing room — save for Shawn (who managed to sneak in boozing) and Belle, and Alex, and Brady (and Theresa who the former was chagrined to see and the later oh so glad) who’d gone on a food run — Sarah remained beside Victor’s coffin to ponder. Was her mother right? Should she bite the bullet and tell Xander that the baby she’s carrying is his?

No sooner had Rex (Kyle Lowder) brought her out of reverie and suggested they join the others than Sarah’s water broke, and she announced that she was in labor.

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Opposite the development in Sarah’s storyline, Kate (Lauren Koslow) offered up a toast in Maggie’s honor and magnanimously declared her Victor’s perfect match. “That is, most assuredly, a matter of opinion,” hissed an uninvited, bereted, bejeweled, and caped Vivian (Louise Sorel).

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