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DAYS Recap: Rafe Promises To Keep Princess Out Of Prison

Rafe Hernandez vowed to stand by his sister.

rafe hernandez is standing by gabi hernandez dimera on the days of our lives recap for thursday, november 9, 2023.Gabi Hernandez DiMera and Rafe Hernandez on DAYS.

In the Days of our Lives recap for November 9, 2023, the metaphorical noose tightened around Gabi’s neck. Luckily, she’s got friends, family, and a seriously pissed-off husband rallying behind her.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Wendy left it to Tripp to inform Wei of his son’s passing, Dimitri and Leo’s great escape from Salem hit a major snag, and Belle put EJ on notice. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

I’ve Got Your Back

Down at the local cop shop, Rafe (Galen Gering) anxiously listened to Jada (Elia Cantu) read the latest from forensics. Gabi’s (Camila Banus) fingerprints were on the knife that killed Li (Remington Hoffman). As expected…but hers aren’t the only ones. There’s a positive print from a hand much larger than Gabi’s…but it’s Li’s. Boo!

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Opposite, Stefan (Brandon Barash) swung by with some treats for his wife. A hazelnut latte and a cinnamon scone. Her favorites. Try as she might, Gabi couldn’t enjoy the gifts. Why get used to things she may never have again?

Stefan did his best to bolster Gabi’s mood. He reminded her that Belle (Martha Madison) had agreed to take her case and that she was the “best damn attorney the state has ever seen.” What’s more, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) is bound by the same legal limits that he’s attempting to use against Gabi. He’s got to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Gabi killed Li.

The couple soon started lining up potential suspects. Could have been Melinda (Tina Huang). She had a motive-ish. Rafe eventually joined the pair and broke the bad news about the knife. When Gabi panicked, Stefan outlined Belle’s pretty sound strategy. Argue that EJ has a conflict of interest (not to mention a personal vendetta) and hope that the case will be dropped, and charges dismissed.

Unfortunately, Belle’s contentious convo with EJ got them nowhere. Equally galling was the subsequent bail hearing in which Gabi was remanded to Statesville. Before the transfer was complete, Rafe vowed that his sister wouldn’t be punished for a crime that she didn’t commit, and Gabi and Stefan exchanged bittersweet goodbyes.

Bad News Travels

Across town, at Tripp’s (Lucas Adams) urging, Wendy (Victoria Grace) attempted to inform her father about Li’s death. However, she could find the words to choke out. Instead, she asked Tripp to take the phone so he broke the news. Afterwards, Wendy wondered how said news was received.

Tripp relayed that Wei had sounded pretty…stoic. But if anything, he was probably in shock. Just like Wendy. Jada came calling and inquired as to Li’s state of mind the last time he and Wendy spoke. Was he upset? Angry even? Yes, and yes. But Wendy didn’t suspect that he went and killed himself just to frame Gabi for the crime — and she resented the implication. Jada assured Wendy that all she was after was truth and justice. Whatever that may look like.

Search Party

In yet another no-tell-motel, Leo (Greg Rikaart) and Dimitri (Peter Porte) were excited over Gabi’s arrest and wondered if Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton) might be their ticket out of Salem — presuming he hadn’t already skipped town.

No sooner had the words escaped their lips than Rolf knocked on the door. Despite her annoyance at Dimitri forfeiting his inheritance, Megan (Miranda Wilson) was prepared to offer him safe passage. Him and only him. Riff-raff like Leo need not expect an invitation.

Dimitri roared to Rolf that he and Leo were a package deal and that he’d deal with Megan when the time arose. Ready the sub, peasant! While Rolf stalked off to do just that, Leo and Dimitri packed their meager belongings, and the latter bid farewell to the things that he’d miss most. Crullers from Sweet Bits, Joann, his therapist, and, of course, his esteemed position in the Fourth Estate. Who could ever forget Lady Whistleblower?

But, Leo’s future lay with Dimitri…wherever that may be. Onward and downward (into Rolf’s awaiting sub)! Oh, shoot! There’s Jada at the door! What will the two do now?

Which man will make Stephanie happy?

Warning Shots

Back in Salem proper, Belle put EJ on notice. He may think he’s won the battle, but Stefan will retaliate. “Honey this war has just begun.”

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