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DAYS Recap: John Black Introduces His Father To The Family

And Timothy Robicheaux couldn’t have been happier.

days of our lives recap for thursday, september 14, 2023, family reunion.The proud family.

In the Days of our Lives recap for September 14, 2023, John’s gaggle of offspring met their grandfather. No, not the homicidal one, the song-and-dance number-loving one.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Andrew Donovan provides Alex with a helpful lead, Shawn and Talia drown their sorrows in each other, and Johnny and Chanel reacquaint themselves with one another. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: One Big Happy Family

At Marlena’s (Deidre Hall) office at University Hospital, John (Drake Hogestyn) regaled Timothy (Dick Van Dyke) with stories about identities past. He can laugh about things like thinking he was a Catholic priest now.

When Marlena joined the men, Timothy expressed his gratitude that they helped him figure out who he truly was — Marlena a bit more than John since she’s practically Super Doc.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Timothy wondered if one of them would mind returning him to the VA hospital, but the couple insisted he was coming home with them. What’s more, he had family to meet!

By happenstance, Belle (Martha Madison) and Brady (Eric Martsolf) were at the townhouse — her to complain about her recent interaction with Shawn (Brandon Beemer), him listening to his sister’s woes despite having a flight to Greece to catch.

Marlena and John were pleased to introduce the two to Timothy, and the three took to each other like a duck takes to water. Timothy soon got a rundown on what his grandchildren did for a living, their marital status, and the number of progenies.

No sooner had John explained that he had yet another son — who was a formerly famous baseball player — than Paul (Christopher Sean) waltzed through the door.

Paul and his pops then filled Timothy in on the monster that Joesph Bell became and how they’d come into each other’s lives. Paul made mention of John visiting him in San Franciso for Pride Week, and Timothy attempted to ascertain whether or not Paul was a married gay man, but a bit of confusion on where exactly the old timer was going with his question led to a big family giggle.

Andrew (Colton Little) eventually appeared and suggested preserving the beautiful moment transpiring before him. In no time flat, the group was huddled together, shouting “Family” in unison and being forever immortalized.

DAYS Recap: Helping Hand

Earlier, Andrew had swung by Alex’s (Robert Scott Wilson) apartment and was a bit surprised to find his little sister, Jeannie Theresa (Jen Lilley), standing in the half-naked man’s apartment.

While Alex excused himself to put on something other than a towel, Andrew questioned Theresa’s presence. “Only you would pick up a guy at a funeral,” he good-naturedly huffed upon hearing that Alex had made quite the impression on Theresa during the memorial service for Victor and vice versa.

When Alex returned, Andrew cautioned him against interfering in the ISA’s investigation into Victor’s downed plane, only to learn that Alex and Brady’s jaunt to Greece was to ascertain exactly why Victor had ordered the destruction of his will.

Theresa asked Andrew to give Alex any help that he could — after all, his nephew is Victor’s great-grandson, and he shouldn’t allow “that witch Vivian Alamain to screw over Maggie” — so Andrew offered the name Konstantin Meleounis and revealed that he was a man that Victor made contact with in Greece.

DOOL Recap: Strange Bedfellows

Meanwhile, at the Brady Pub, Shawn foisted himself upon Talia (Aketra Sevillian), who didn’t much mind sharing her table or her troubles. Shawn, in turn, dumped his problems into her lap and groused about Belle’s inability, or was it unwillingness, to give him space to fall apart a little bit and show him some empathy and sympathy.

Shawn also took the opportunity to disparage Belle’s character, pointing out that as a lawyer, she excelled, but as a wife, she was lacking. Really lacking.

Eventually, the two became so drunk that they were dismissed from the bar area, and they decided to continue their party up in the room that Talia shared with Jada. A few more drinks down their respective hatches, and Shawn and Talia were all over each other and tumbling into the nearby bed.

Will Belle forgive Shawn when she finds out about Talia?

Days of our Lives Recap: A Happy Ending

Despite being happy they’d reunited, Chanel (Raven Bowens) insisted to Johnny (Carson Boatman) that they take things a bit slow. So, rather than race up to his bedroom as he’d initially suggested, Johnny cued up What’s Up Doc? — the finest film that Barbra Streisand ever starred in — and cuddled up next to his lady love.

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