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DAYS Recap For November 4: Xander Mommynaps Susan On Ava’s Orders

He’s doing a bad, bad, bad thing, but for the right reasons…kind of.

DAYS recap for Friday, November 4, 2022

The DAYS recap for Friday, November 4, 2022, sees, in a reversal of (mis)fortunes, the sins of the son being revisited on the mother.

DAYS Recap Highlights

In this episode, Susan Banks (Stacy Haiduk) falls prey to Ava Vitali’s (Tamara Braun) partner-in-crime, Wendy Shin (Victoria Grace) and Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman) hit paydirt, Stefan O. DiMera (Brandon Barash) offers Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) a safe space to vent about her romantic woes, and Rachel Black (Finley Rose Slater) finds herself the center of her parents’ attention. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Fault Lines

Were it not for the continued visitations from her long dead, mercenary youngest son — who oh so helpfully reminded her that she was a stone-cold bitch — Ava would have most likely called time on her plan to revenge herself against EJ DiMera (Dan Feuerriegel) by appropriating his beloved mother and holding her for ransom. But she didn’t.

DAYS recap Charlie and Ava

Instead, she doubled down and insisted that Xander Cook (Paul Telfer) snatch Susan while the snatching was good which was then and there. Eager to get his hands on a portion of the money Ava stood to receive — all so he and Sarah Horton Cook (Linsey Godfrey) can get out of that roach-infested motel hell — Xander agreed to give it the old college try.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Thanks entirely to his stealth and a chloroform-soaked rag, he achieved results…but Susan did manage to smash a piece of kitch onto the floor, so there is evidence that something untoward transpired in the DiMera manse’s drawing room.

DOOL Recap: Medical Matters

After walking in on Brady Black (Eric Martsolf) and Kristen DiMera (Stacy Haiduk) having yet another set-to — this one concerning the former’s suspicion that the latter had something to do with Chloe’s promotion to the corporate offices — Rachel worried the pair by claiming to be ill to her stomach.

Kristen immediately jumped to the conclusion that her precious baby had developed appendicitis, but Brady deduced that, despite her protestations to the contrary, Rachel had consumed the contents of her trick-or-treat bucket and was merely suffering the adverse side effects.

To be on the safe side, Brady phoned Sarah and wondered if she’d make a house call, and since Sarah is a masochist, she happily agreed. After thoroughly examining her young patient, it was Sarah’s professional opinion that Brady was right, and Kristen was wrong, na-na na-na boo-boo.

Days of our Lives Rachel, Sarah, Brady and Kristen

DAYS Recap: The Plot Thickens

After crossing paths with Stefan and awkwardly pushing the relative stranger to open up to her about exactly when and why he stopped loving Gabi Hernandez No Longer DiMera (Camila Banus), Wendy summoned Johnny for a meeting of the minds. Both agreed that the non-answers Stefan provided were equal parts suspicious and of no help to them.

What was helpful, however, was the list of pilots formerly employed at DiMera Enterprises that Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) had requested, namely because Johnny recognized one Ned Granger (Chris Kalhoon), a ne’er-do-well and known kidnaper. If there was anybody who’d be tasked with flying Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (Richard Wharton) out of the country, it would be him.

DAYS recap Chloe and Stefan

Days of our Lives Recap: Lip-Lock

Chloe is still stinging from Brady’s rejection and his refusal to explain exactly why he’d chosen to end their association after all this time — not to mention why he’d allow crazy Kristen to move in with him…and John…and Marlena — and Stefan stepped up to the plate by offering her a shoulder to cry on and an ear to bend. His chivalry was rewarded with a kiss — a very passionate kiss!

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