The DAYS recap for Thursday, December 1, 2022, sees a perverse form of justice being served, condemnation leveled, and a friendship strengthened.
DAYS Recap Highlights
In this episode, Paulina Price Carver (Jackée Harry) paid the price for her interference, Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty) spoke her peace, holier than thou, Eric Brady (Greg Vaughan) tore a strip off Nicole Walker Soon-To-No-Longer-Be-Hernandez (Arianne Zucker), and Jada Hunter (Elia Cantu) confided her secret to Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Days of our Lives Recap: The Tables Turn
In spite of its inelegance, Paulina is sure that she’s hit upon the perfect plan to extricate Chanel Dupree (Raven Bowens) from her predicament: convince Abe Carver (James Reynolds) to fire “that bitch” Melinda Trask (Tina Huang).
Unfortunately for Paulina, Abe is a “big picture” kind of guy. He knows that doing what his wife is asking is not only in poor taste, but it’s also a smidge criminal — as is Paulina’s bright idea to replace Melinda with Belle Black Brady (Martha Madison) — and it would only serve to get the two of them thrown into a cell beside Paulina’s baby girl.
Still, Paulina is determined to see to it that Chanel is released from police custody…and out of the blue, she gets her wish. But the celebration is short-lived. No sooner has Chanel been uncuffed than the cuffs are slapped on Paulina’s wrists — she’s under arrest for conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

And sure, Paulina is technically guilty of those things, but so is the dean of the college that she paid off, and Melinda isn’t having that person arrested — and we know this because she’d be crowing about it if she were. In point of fact, Paulina being taken into police custody has everything to do with Melinda being one-upped, and we all know how Melinda responds to being one-upped, especially by the likes of Belle.
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
DOOL Recap: Christmas And Her Birthday Came Early This Year
One person most decidedly not disappointed by the recent turn of events is Sloan. Yes, she was mightily peeved that Chanel managed to make bail, but she also got to get right in the young woman’s face, make all kinds of insinuations, and generally make her feel like something that gets stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe.
Getting to get all self-righteous with Chanel’s new squeeze Allie Horton (Lindsay Arnold) — whom she made mincemeat out of — was a bonus, and the image of Paulina being led away was icing on the cake. Life couldn’t get better for Sloan…barring Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (Richard Wharton) popping up and bringing the mother, who fell to her death, and the father, who drank himself into an early grave, back to life. Stranger things have happened.
DAYS Recap: Judge Not…
Did Nicole encourage Jada to get an abortion? No, absolutely not…not in so many words. But the implication was pretty darn clear. Still, Nicole resented Eric even thinking so little of her, let alone asking her the question. Furthermore, she resents the Hell out of Eric growling at her that Jada’s pregnancy wasn’t any of her damn business, to begin with.

Um, excuse her. Isn’t Eric supposed to be her man? Nicole can’t help the fact that she can’t give Eric what he so desperately wants — a biological child of his very own, preferably a boy, though a girl would do in a pinch — and call her selfish — which she is — but she didn’t relish the thought of watching him co-parent with another woman.
With all that out in the open, what does Eric plan to do? Will he leave Nicole for good? Will he find it in his heart to forgive and forget? Only time will tell. Only The Shadow knows…because it’s clear that Eric sure doesn’t.
Days of Our Lives Recap: Girl Power
After being apprised of Jada’s decision, the only thing(s) that Kate wanted to know was how was Jada coping — no judgment from this broad who’s seen and done it all — and could they still be friends. Jada assured that she was holding up as well as could be expected — though she did need some literal support after finally breaking down — and that she’d love for them to stay close. Good, Kate needs a friend in the police department.

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