In the Days of our Lives recap for July 13, 2023, John’s dreams raised some serious suspicions surrounding Abe’s supposed demise…and all investigative roads led back to Whitley.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
In addition, Salem laid Abe [or, more likely, an empty coffin] to rest, Lani (Sal Stowers) got a clue, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) let her true colors show, and Abe (James Reynolds) found himself joining the cast of his “favorite” story. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Days of our Lives Recap: On The Case
On the morning of Abe’s funeral, a worse-for-wear-looking John (Drake Hogestyn) called on Steve (Stephen Nichols). Between a missing Rachel (Finley Rose Slater) — whom everyone [rightfully] believes to be in Kristen’s custody — and his nightmare, John hasn’t gotten much quality sleep.
Ah yes, the nightmare. It’s the same every time John nods off. He’s on the docks, he sees a silent Abe standing in the distance, and then his buddy disappears into the fog. But what could it mean?
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
Despite knowing that it might seem “a bit out there,” John floats the idea that maybe what he’s experiencing is more than a dream. A premonition? Maybe. But given what John and Steve just went through with Marlena (Deidre Hall) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) [and Kate (Lauren Koslow)], can they really afford to discount that Abe might be alive and desperately trying to reach out and ask for help? No, no they cannot.
So, what to do? Go back to the beginning of course. They begin with Nurse Whitley King’s (Kim Coles) statement. In fact, all roads seem to lead back to Whitley…and considering it’s highly likely someone with a working knowledge of where the cameras were positioned throughout the hospital too Abe, Whitley’s looking like a mighty fine suspect.
Opposite the detecting, Whitley found it necessary to once again sedate an uncooperative and combative Abe. A visiting Jerry (Terrell Ransom Jr.) was horrified by the sight; even more so by Whitley’s announcement that she and Abe would soon be upping sticks. The promise of a big, fat cash bonus [payable upon his agreement to leave Salem too] somewhat soothed his ire.
DAYS Recap: Now Hear This
After a rough start, Paulina (Jackée Harry) managed to pull herself together, get dressed, and welcome Theo (Cameron Johnson). After sending Chanel (Raven Bowens) to retrieve a box of photographs from the Johnsons, Paulina made sure that Theo didn’t feel unduly pressured to deliver the eulogy at his dad’s funeral. He didn’t. But he did need someone to practice on.
Paulina delighted in the kind words that acknowledged Abe’s abiding love for her and Theo’s own gratitude that she treats him like her own flesh and blood, and she bristled at [but approved of] Theo’s raking up some of her dumber moves [like planning to bulldoze the Horton Town Square].

DOOL Recap: Closing In
Before setting off for her father’s funeral service, Lani paid Kristen a most welcome visit. During the course of their convo, Lani got her bestie to admit that she most likely knew exactly where Rachel was — not that she’d say where.
Later, once Abe [or “Abe” as the case surely is] was laid to rest [off-screen because why spend a little extra money when skipping over the whole shebang will do], Lani took it upon herself to go and question squirrelly Jerry — a decision which really rather stymied his great escape.
Days of our Lives Recap: You Don’t Get Something For Nothing
Having convinced Brady (Eric Martsolf) that, despite not being a trained detective, she possessed the skills to know when someone was lying to her and to get people to open up to her, Marlena sauntered over to the DiMera mansion [through the secrets tunnels, natch] and did her damndest to convince Kristen to hand Rachel back over.

Kristen wasn’t much interested in doing the right thing. Not for free anyway. She had an ask, a big ask, but if it was agreed to, she hinted that she might, possibly be able to fill Brady in on their daughter’s whereabouts.
DOOL Recap: Curiouser And Curiouser
Over at University Hospital, Steve, having learned from Chanel that Whitley had toiled on Abe’s mayoral campaign and been present at his wedding to Paulina, had Whitley summoned for questioning and found her most uncooperative. Of particular note was her declaration that she would be tendering her resignation later that same day.
Back in his hellhole, a drugged Abe suddenly found himself inside an episode of Body and Soul, interacting with the program’s premiere superbitch Lorna DeLorean (Lauren Koslow).

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