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Danger Continues For Paulina Price Carver With A Text Threat

DAYS recap for Tuesday, May 9, 2023: Poor thing can’t have one moment’s peace.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, may 9, 2023, paulina price carver holding a phone standing opposite rafe.A slack jawed Paulina Price Carver reacts to the latest threat leveled against her.

On today’s Days of our Lives, Paulina Price Carver received a threatening electronic missive — and not for the first time.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Xander (Paul Telfer) and Chloe made the effort to figure out their new normal, Jada’s (Elia Cantu) suspicions were further aroused, and Wendy (Victoria Grace) decided to bid Tripp (Lucas Adams) and Seattle adieu. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Paulina Price Carver Just Can’t Catch A Win

Salem, Anywhere USA. Morning. Late Morning. Chanel (Raven Bowens) emerged from her boudoir and joined Paulina (Jackée Harry) and Abe (James Reynolds) for breakfast.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Paulina inquired about Chanel’s date the previous evening, which surprised Abe. “Date? What date’s this,” he wondered. After a playful back and forth between mother and daughter — “You didn’t tell him?” “Wasn’t my news to tell.” “Since when has that stopped you before?” — and a bit of awkwardness when Abe assumed it had been a guy that Chanel saw, Chanel confided that she and Talia (Aketra Sevillian) had spent a night out on the town and that all was well.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, may 9, 2023, has paulina price carver and abe enjoying breakfast.
Paulina Price and Abe Carver had fun grilling Chanel about her date on Days of our Lives.

The conversation turned bleak when Chanel floated the possibility that Sweet Bits might be shut down permanently, which prompted Paulina and Abe — the latter just a tad unwillingly — to make a beeline for Rafe’s (Galen Gering) office.

There they demanded an explanation for why the Salem Police Department had yet to “get on the stick” and arrest that no good, very bad Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty), who was so clearly the one targeting Paulina and Chanel.

Abe supposed that perhaps Rafe was going where the evidence takes him, and that caused Paulina to wonder if the evidence was actually pointing elsewhere. Rafe tried to beg off answering. “Not at liberty to say” and all that. Unfortunately, Abe, as Mayor and Rafe’s boss, granted Rafe the liberty.

Rafe admitted that he and Jada — mostly Jada — had momentarily put Talia in the frame. “Talia?! But Talia’s her sister,” groused Paulina. How could Jada even think such a thing?

That question necessitated Rafe explaining the discrepancy in Talia’s initial statement and how she’d have both means and opportunity to purloin Paulina’s keys. Of course, neither he nor Jada could come up with anything concrete. And Talia had a fairly good explanation for things. That didn’t surprise Paulina. She’s behind Talia all the way…or, at least she wants to be. Especially in light of Talia and Chanel dating.

Soon after, while Paulina was still in the cop shop, she received a text from Colin (Jasper Newman), the Big Bad who’d earlier intimated to Talia that he intended to exacerbate Paulina’s panic attacks. It read: “WATCH YOUR BACK BECAUSE I’M STILL COMING FOR YOU.”

DAYS Recap: Odd Couple

Much like Chanel before, Chloe (Nadia Bjorlin) awoke later than usual, which didn’t much please her new roommate as he’d expected her to prepare him a hearty breakfast.

After all, Xander had just paid the first and last month’s rent on their new place and bought them each a brand-new luxe mattress, so surely that was the least Chloe could do. Chloe didn’t agree. Rather than contribute…well, anything, she decided to pack her things and leave. How dare Xander expect something of her!

A [for some reason] contrite Xander apologized profusely and offered to make them a meal himself [because why not do everything around there] but was stymied by the lack of eggs. Surprise surprise, Chloe hadn’t stooped to doing a grocery run for them.

So, off to the Brady Pub the two-headed [where Xander intended to pay, natch]. There, they ran into Jada, who’d just run Talia off after inquiring as to why she’d heard her on the phone talking about Paulina. [Talia was, of course, scheming with Colin, but she managed to suitable cover-ish.]

Xander and Chloe asked after the investigation into the drugging of the bakery’s biscuits but got stonewalled with a “not at liberty to say.”

days of our lives recap for tuesday, may 9, 2023, has jada learning a lot from xander and chloe.
Jada Hunter learned a lot from Chloe and Xander.

They then mentioned seeing Talia — or “bakery girl” as Xander is wont to call her — at The White Dove, which piqued Jada’s interest — as did Xander’s tale of the surly British man coming out of the same room as Talia.

So while Xander and Chloe got down to the business of chowing down, Jada headed for the motel and a collision course with Colin.

DOOL Recap: A Kiss Goodbye

Elsewhere, Seattle, Washington, to be precise, Tripp treated Wendy to some peppers and eggs and expressed how happy he was that she’d come to visit Seattle…and him.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, may 9, 2023, has tripp kissing wendy.
Tripp Johnson and Wendy enjoyed a kiss.

Before the two could indulge in another kiss, Wendy received a call from Johnny (Carson Boatman), who was anxious to find out when she might be returning to Salem.

That convo spurred Wendy into deciding to head back that same day, which really rather disappointed Tripp — but of course, he’ll be back in town soon enough.

Unable to recall if Bogie and Bergman kissed goodbye in the final scene of Casablanca, the two decided to chance that they did. With that, Wendy headed for the airport.

Opposite this, Johnny went to Chanel for some advice, and she suggested that he should play it cool like the lovers did in West Side Story. Johnny agreed. Talk then turned to Chanel’s date with Talia, and Johnny wished her well. Later, Chanel opened the door to a bouquet bearing Talia.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, may 9, 2023, has talia with flowers at chanel's door.
Chanel Dupree opens the door to Talia.

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