On today’s Days of our Lives, Abe Carver seemingly drew a parallel between his predicament and that of a character in the soap he’s marathoning…then found himself watching, well, himself.
Days of our Lives Recap Highlights
In addition, Whitley managed to get the Salem Police Department off her trail, Megan managed to light a fire under Dimitri, Gwen (Emily O’Brien) managed to boost Leo’s spirits-ish, and Kate tried and failed to interest Harris (Steve Burton) in a spot of murder-for-hire. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.
Days of our Lives Recap: Abe Carver Finally Gets A Clue
While Rafe (Galen Gering) banged away on the door to Whitley’s apartment, Abe (James Reynolds) struggled to rise from his chair [the move from the couch seemingly draining him of all strength].
No sooner had he got halfway to a standing position than Abe remembered Whitley’s (Kim Coles) warning that the man who so viciously attacked him was still out and about and impersonating an officer of the law. Was it possible that the man in the hallway claiming to be a representative of the police department was the baddie back to finish what he started?
READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.
Unsure of his next move, Abe slung down and waited Rafe out. Once the coast seemed relatively clear, it was back to watching “Paulina’s” stories. And, what a plot that was unfolding. Kassandra (Mary Beth Evans in a delightful double role) was on the warpath owning to bitchy Charlemagne (Deidre Hall camping it up something fierce) rigging the ballot for the upcoming Woman of the Year award ceremony. [To quote Abe, “That’s what they’re fighting about?”]

What’s more, Charlemagne’s actions apparently circle back to Kassandra’s successful wooing of Rhett, the amnesiac whom they both love. Wait a minute! Amnesia? That puts Abe in mind of someone….himself perhaps? But before he could really linger on the coincidence, Abe was faced with an even greater shock: a news preemption [what soap fan doesn’t hate those?] concerning HIS win for Mayor of Salem.
Days of our Lives: Rafe Searches For Abe Carver
Meanwhile, over at University Hospital, Whitley and Paulina (Jackée Harry) came face-to-face and the latter thanked the former profusely for her tending to Abe in his time of need. Whitley, in turn, assured Paulina that all would soon be well and that Abe would be found. She’s a woman of faith and that faith has gotten her through so much and she can spy a fellow believer in Paulina.
Enter Rafe to question the last person [other than his kidnapper of course] to see Abe. Whitley swore that she hadn’t seen anything out of the ordinary on the day as far as suspicious men loitering in the hallways, but she most certainly did remember Abe’s addled state, how very, very confused he’d been after coming to. Not much comfort for Paulina and not much for Rafe to go on…but it sure saved Whitley’s bacon.

DOOL Recap: The Art Of Mom-ipulation
At the DiMera mansion, an indignant Dimitri (Peter Porte) groused to Megan (Miranda Wilson) about her dishonesty, namely the pertinent details she failed to mention when it comes to collecting his inheritance.
“Which details?” begged Megan. Well, for one, the fact that he needs to remain married for at least a year. Also, this little nugget: “If it is found that Mr. Von Leuschner has entered into this marital contract under false pretenses, then he loses every penny.”
After years of scheming and scamming, Dimitri wants to relax and luxuriate and have a little bit of fun, things he most decidedly won’t be able to do if he’s a married man.

Megan attempted to bring her son to her side by pointing out that as DiMeras they’re swimming in “a pool for sharks” and each selfish shark has designs on the whole of the family fortune. Luckily, all that lovely Von Leuschner money will be theirs to do with as they please. Oh yes, theirs. Momma’s got a good chunk of that cash earmarked for megalomaniacal purposes.
And, not for nothing, but Dimitri could finally pay his mother back a modicum of the sacrifices she made for him by sacrificing 12 measly months of his life. To that, Dimitri demurred and headed upstairs to dress to impress Gwen (Emily O’Brien).
Once he’d taken his leave, Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) slunk into the room and questioned Megan’s intentions. Sister Dear wasn’t very forthcoming, but she did grant Kristen that she most certainly would require an army to ensure all complied to her will. And, every army needs a commander…like, say, “one who recently arrived right here in Salem.”
Days of our Lives Recap: Sweet Vengeance
Speaking of Harris, he congregated with Roman (Josh Taylor) — who was on his way to discuss “Operation Find Abe Carver” with John (Drake Hogestyn) and Steve (Stephen Nichols) — and Kate. (Lauren Koslow). Before departing, Roman made it clear that he doesn’t hate Harris, though he does hate what went down between him, Hope (Kristian Alfonso), and Bo (Peter Reckell) and even offered his hand in friendship. Harris was most appreciative.
Now that they were alone, Kate floated the idea of hiring Harris to “get rid of Megan Hathaway,” then made damn sure he understood she was talking murder. After briefly weighing his options, Harris declared that he just couldn’t operate as a hitman.

Days of our Lives Recap: To Be Or Knot To Be
Having finally deigned to visit his mother in jail — who apparently got three verses deep into “Why Leo Stark Is A Worthless Human Being That Nobody Could Ever Possibly Love” — Leo (Greg Rikaart) was feeling decidedly down in the dumps.
After taking a walk down Memory Lane [and all the romantic missteps along the way], Leo rued that “every guy I ever go for is either married, straight, or using me for my American citizenship. I hate to say it, but maybe Diana was right.”

Gwen strenuously disagreed. Nothing that his terrible, awful mother had said about him was true — and she knows from terrible, awful mothers. If nothing else, she adores him. Leo responded in kind, then suggested that the two of them could always tie the knot, if, for no other reason, than the sweet, sweet bridal registry. The one rub? No one likes them enough to spend a single cent on them.
Now in a rush to finish getting ready for her interview with Dimitri — and don’t you dare call it a date — Gwen headed for the bathroom. Before allowing her to duck inside, Leo bid her not to mention his name. There’s some serious bad blood between him and her subject — bad blood that’s about to be revisited seeing as how Dimitri arrives to collect Gwen and finds Leo in her hotel room!
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