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DAYS Good Behavior: Should Lucas Horton Get Out of Prison?

Should another guilty man walk the streets of Salem?

days of our lives lucas horton double image of him in jailIs it time for Lucas Horton to get sprung?

Once he could no longer deny having Sami kidnapped on Days of our Lives, Lucas Horton accepted his fate and went to prison as punishment. But that was months ago! And prison isn’t any fun! Is it about time to let Kate’s son out for good behavior? Or some other equally bogus reason?

Days of our Lives: Pay It Backward

No, a tiny 3% of the audience is holding the line — hard. Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) needs to pay for his crime. Sami (Alison Sweeney) suffered for months, and then she had to put up with Lucas lying to her for weeks more.

Sure, most people in Salem, including Lucas’s brother, Philip (Jay Kenneth Johnson), never pay for their crimes. All the more reason for Lucas to keep serving his time. He can do it for everybody. Like that goat that ancient people used to shove off a mountain. Think of Lucas as the G.O.A.T.

Baby Steps, Lucas Horton

Maybe he can go to a halfway house or something, 9% are open to splitting the difference. At least then, he won’t be wearing that unflattering prison outfit all the time. And his family can visit him more easily. Of course, Will (Chandler Massey) and Allie (Lindsay Arnold) are in New Zealand. Philip is in hiding. And Kate (Lauren Koslow) is “dead.” So it doesn’t sound like his social life would be any livelier.

DOOL: Born Free

Oh, cut the guy some slack, a winning 88% are tired of mopey, jailbird Lucas. Maybe he can hire Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) as his attorney. She’s good at getting guilty people out of jail. Even if the rest of Salem condemns her for it. Maybe if she helps free Lucas, everyone will stop spitting in her direction. And accept her as just another citizen who is very flexible with her morals. You know, like Lucas.

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