The Pointer Sisters may have liked a lover with a slow hand, but are Days of Our Lives viewers getting tired of the long wait to get Ciara and Ben together?
Sure, they face a few tiny obstacles, like her mother being against the relationship and him being a serial killer who needs medication to make sure he doesn’t do it again. But the course of true love never does run smoothly, does it?
So, just how much longer are fans willing to be tortured like this?
It was a nail-biter, but 33% of you squeaked out a “They need to get together, STAT!” Come on now, she’s pretty, he’s prettier, and watching them pine for each other is downright painful.
Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) and Ciara (Victoria Konefal) finally hooking up would be a public service for a stretched-to-the-limit audience. The tease has been going on for too long. You need a payoff!
Soap Slow
On the other hand, an almost equal 32% of you enjoy the classic, soapy slow burn. If you want an entire relationship in 90 minutes, go watch a movie. (You’ll even get some explosions with it, most likely.)
If you want to watch a steamy relationship build, stick with soaps. And The Pointer Sisters. Remember how long it took Ciara’s parents, Bo (Peter Reckell) and Hope (Kristian Alfonso), to get to “Tonight, I Celebrate My Love For You.”
Middle Ground
What about if the story were to pick up a little speed… but not too much, says 26% of you. Maybe we could move from the pining and misunderstanding to eye-sex and some physical contact. That way, you’d relieve a bit of the audience’s frustration, without giving the whole ball of wax away?
Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Days of Our Lives Fan Talk Melissa Boyette

Video Credit: Supernatural Elena
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