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Once More… With Feeling: Who Is the Right Days of our Lives Man For Sami?

Sami Days of Our LivesSami Days of Our Lives

Video Credit: Soap Hub

How many times have we been here on Days of our Lives? Sami and Lucas, or Sami and EJ? Some fans change their minds regularly. Others stick with their favorites through thick and thin. So where are over 2,000 of you standing this time around?

Days of our Lives Polling: Hidden Gem

A winning 59% of the audience voted for Lucas (Bryan Dattilo). We don’t know if that’s because he and Sami (Alison Sweeney) have children together – both of whom are currently on the canvas (well, Will comes and goes, but we’ve still seen him more recently) as opposed to being off in Europe… somewhere – or because they’re currently stuck together, thanks to Kristen (Stacy Haiduk).

Either way, these two have been through it all and came out the other side. What more proof do you need that they are the One True Pairing, not to mention Endgame? Long live Lumi!

Married Man

A smaller 23% of the fans are holding out hope for EJ to recover and re-assume his place by Sami’s side. Are they technically still married? So hard to know when one comes back from the dead. EJ is smooth and suave and cosmopolitan. He’s also rich and connected. And he and Sami have two children, too — the presently unseen Johnny and Sydney. Long live EJami!

Done and Done-er

We’ve had enough of both losers, 18% of you sigh. It’s not fun anymore, it’s like being trapped in an endless rerun. We know what all of them are going to say before they say it. We demand someone new, someone who can challenge Sami, someone who can temper her worst impulses… and someone who doesn’t know what it means when she goes full Sami… yet.

Sure, they’ll be frightened away in the long run. But at least we’ll get something new to watch for as long as it lasts. Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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