Days of Our Lives October 24 Photo Recap: Johnny Eats Crow…and Cake
Joy acted cagey when Nancy confronted her on what she did with that married man. Meanwhile, a hurt Chanel reacted to Johnny’s false accusations. Also, Alex and Stephanie faced the music with Kate.
Another Body & Soul-focused episode of Days of Our Lives unfolded. On Thursday, October 24, Johnny’s birthday surprise involved more than a cast and crew party. It involved major drama.
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The action picked up from Wednesday’s episode when Johnny (Carson Boatman) realized that Chanel’s (Raven Bowens) secrecy was all about the surprise party she planned for him on the set of Body & Soul. Clearly, the truth hit him hard as he blew the candles out on the beautiful Sweet Bits cake his wife arranged for him.
Then a confrontation erupted, as Chanel, Alex (Robert Scott Wilson), Stephanie (Abigail Klein), Leo (Greg Rikaart), Seth (Ken Colquitt), Bonnie (Judi Evans), and everybody in attendance realized that Johnny thought Chanel and Alex had slept together. The fallout included Kate (Lauren Koslow) cornering Alex and Stephanie about their on-set sexcapades. Meanwhile, Nancy (Patrika Darbo) attempted to get the truth out of Joy (AlexAnn Hopkins) about the night before. Finally, it was up to Paulina (Jackée Harry) to comfort a destroyed Chanel.
This is the moment Johnny realized how ridiculous he had been acting.
Chanel warned Alex that Johnny might want to stab Alex. And with that, the awkward party conversation revolved around Johnny thinking that Alex and Chanel slept together.
Chanel told Johnny that her mama taught her to “best not speak with your mouth full” and she smeared Johnny’s mouth with the cake. Yikes.
Chanel’s actions left Johnny standing there looking stupid and silently regretting calling his wife…what he called his wife.
Meanwhile, Nancy tried to get the truth out of Joy, to no avail. She wouldn’t fess up about what happened with the married man she met. Also, Joy defended her actions, saying that she wasn’t married and besides, his wife was a cheater.
Later, Stephanie tried to blame Seth for thinking that she was Faith. He threw it back in her face. And asked her what the producers would think if they knew about what she and Alex did.
Kate walked in right at that moment and confronted Alex and Stephanie. Alex begged Kate not to fire Stephanie.
Kate decided she wouldn’t fire either of them. That this was their first and final warning. For now, they would have to stay the hell away from each other.
Later, Bonnie and Leo talked about the curse Hattie put on Body & Soul. And when Leo fretted over the curse coming after him, Nancy walked up to him and seemed to have it out for Leo. After all, he was the other man who slept with her husband while they were still married.
In front of The Pub, Joy ran into a dejected Johnny.
Joy returned the wedding ring Johnny left in her room. The wedding ring Chanel had noticed was no longer on his finger. He lied that he took it off, leaving Chanel incredulous.
Chanel was practically in panic attack mode when Paulina arrived to comfort her daughter.
Chanel broke down at the sudden state of her marriage. She realized that Johnny didn’t trust her and didn’t even ask her about his assumptions. He just drew his own ridiculous and untrue conclusions. The episode ended with her crying as her mama hugged her.
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