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The EJ and Kate Days of our Lives Confrontation We Didn’t Know We Needed

Where acting, writing, and history comes together perfectly.

Days of our Lives Kate and EJ with the Soap Hub logo.Kate and EJ's confrontation was everything.

Secrets never stay buried forever on soaps, and Days of our Lives is no exception. However, EJ had raped Sami so long ago — yes, blackmailing her into having sex with him in order to save Lucas’ life is rape, even if Sami were “willing” — we kind of thought Salem had forgotten all about it. Especially when Johnny was born, and EJ and Sami went a few more rounds of marriage and divorce, we assumed the whole horrible, sordid episode had been swept under the rug. We weren’t expecting it to come out. And we certainly weren’t expecting the news to come from Kate. But, boy, are we glad it did!

A Woman Enraged

Kate (Lauren Koslow) can take anything dished out her way. But come after her kids, and she turns mama bear in the blink of an eye. EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) knew that — it’s why he quickly pivoted from threatening her to threatening her children. But it was EJ threatening Lucas (Bryan Datillo) all those years ago which has been simmering inside of Kate.

Kate’s rage has been building up. And when Johnny (Carson Boatman) asked a question about what Grandpa Roman (Josh Taylor) meant about EJ being a rapist, Kate told him. Kate told Johnny everything.

MORE: Here’s what happened on DAYS.

A Man Enraged

EJ arrived at the pub to blast Kate. But his ex-stepmother wouldn’t back down. She hit back, and she hit back hard. Kate slapped EJ with the truth, forcing the otherwise in-control DiMera to literally turn red with rage. He shouted. Kate shouted back. And it was one of the best scenes to hit Salem in ages.

The writing, the acting, and the history all came together to create a perfect storm. Kate was self-righteous but guilty (she didn’t want to hurt Johnny). EJ was defensive but repentant (he knew he was in the wrong and that his son might hate him forever because of it). There was depth, there were layers, and there were two outstanding actors playing off each other like a smooth tennis match. More of this, please. Much, much more.

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