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Let It Go! Should Hope Cut Marlena Some Slack On Days Of Our Lives (DOOL)?

Marlena and Hope Days of Our LivesMarlena and Hope Days of Our Lives

On Days Of Our Lives (DOOL), Ben’s release has stirred up complicated and conflicting feelings in the people of Salem.

Eve (Kassie DePaiva) and JJ (Casey Moss) are not happy that the man who killed Paige is back walking the streets. Will (Chandler Massey) is not happy that the man who killed, er, him, is walking the streets.

And Hope (Kristian Alfonso) is mad as hell that Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) is out there free – and that Marlena (Deidre Hall) didn’t do anything to stop it.

Is Hope justified or should she give Marlena a break? Almost 7,000 of you had something to say about that!

Just Doing My Job, Ma’am
Hope, honey, 67% of the audience is speaking slowly so you can follow what they’re saying.

Just because you are unhappy over what you believe to be a miscarriage of justice – although, let’s review how many other murders currently walk the streets of Salem, including… uhm… you? – is no reason for Marlena to put her medical license on the line.

You asked Marlena for her professional expertise, and she gave it to you. Not being happy about what she said is no reason to keep hounding her. You’re being unreasonable, Hope. Give it a rest.

Family First
Marlena is choosing the guy who killed (kind of) her grandson over family? No wonder Hope is pissed off, 33% of you righteously support.

Heck, Hope isn’t being nearly as unreasonable as you’d be under the circumstances. Hope is being downright restrained!

Who in their right mind would think it’s OK for Ben to just waltz out of prison while Paige – and a bunch of other, minor, barely memorable characters – are lying in their graves?

If Marlena cares about Ben, she should want him to stay in jail – he’ll be safer from Salemites, there.

Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Entertainment Hotline

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