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Days of our Lives Recap: Thursday, May 9, 2019

Days of our Lives recap Thursday May 9, 2019Days of our Lives recap Thursday May 9, 2019

Days of our Lives recap for Thursday, May 9, 2019, featured a popcorn-worthy day as Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) and Eve (Kassie DePavia) schemed harder than ever before!

Hot Tempers!
The sad news of Holly’s death spread through Salem causing tears all around. Abe (James Reynolds) took a few somber moments with his own daughter to appreciate what he had. Sadly, his latest scandal had Eli (Lamon Archey) on the attack and he got an earful!

An Indecent Proposal
Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) was in for a shock when Jack showed up to see her. He asked for the favor of all favors – a public statement from her forgiving him for the rape. Maybe, if she acknowledged they worked through it everyone else would too. Sounded good, right? Well, not to Kayla. She flat out said no and turned him away!

Slow Down There, Claire!
Tripp (Lucas Adams) confronted Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) about the burned picture and saw a side of his girlfriend he did not expect. Yes, she ruined his wedding photo but his sham marriage ruined her life. She lost her boyfriend, her home, and her dignity!

Claire then headed straight to Jack’s hotel room to help his campaign along. She had enough and gave Eve the tape of Tripp admitting the marriage was a sham. It was time they use it for all it was worth!

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This was great news for Team Jack. Outing the sham meant burying Jack’s own scandal. Who was going to care about his past when there was a scammer among them right now!

Caught Red Handed!
Oh, and the good news kept rolling in for Eve. She took that tape straight to Haley and caught her in a hospital room with JJ. What luck! Eve then had everything she needed to run Haley out of town!

No Relief!
There was more trouble on the way for Will and Sonny when they got terrible news about his tumor. The treatments did now work the way they should – the tumor was not shrinking. Sadly, this meant Kayla and her team needed to find a new route and this would be much more aggressive.

Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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