The Days of Our Lives recap for Wednesday, July 24 featured a dirty scheme, a big move, and a three-way battle for Sarah’s heart. It was certainly an action-packed day in Salem!
A Cunning Scam
Jack was determined to get his memory back and Eve (Kassie DePaiva) can like it or lump it so she decided to suck it up. Eve surprised him by offering her support. No more insecurity for this lady. She even injected Jack herself!
Sadly, it was all a ploy. Eve was not a supportive wife, after all. Xander paid her a visit and it was revealed she had him switch the vials. What Jack really took was a placebo.
Moving On
Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) was all about trying to get her groove back and turned to Henry (Andre Khabbazi) for a fresh start. She worked up the courage to ask him for dinner but he turned her down flat – at first, anyway. It took some serious sweet-talking and brutal honesty to get Henry to agree to another date.
Jen then leaned on JJ (Casey Moss) for a listening ear. She gave Jack (Matthew Ashford) her all and can not do it anymore. Even JJ agreed his dad is just too far gone. Jack is who Jack is and they all need to move on with their lives.
The Claire Effect
The trauma of the last month hit Haley (Thia Megia) like a ton of bricks. She suffered nightmares, delusions, and panic as she envisioned Claire (Olivia Rose Keegan) coming back to kill her. Unfortunately, JJ was on duty and couldn’t be there. Fortunately, Tripp (Lucas Adams) was home and ready, willing, and able to comfort his friend.
He gave her an armchair diagnosis of PTSD but Haley refused to get help. Instead, Tripp went to talk to a doc and convinced them to write him a prescription for sedatives.
Living With the Enemy
Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) and Rex (Kyle Lowder) go from the overcrowded apartment to the overcrowded Kiriakis mansion. This will not be good for anyone. Maggie can’t stand Rex, nearly every room is taken, and worst of all, Xander is living there too.
Xander (Paul Telfer) was tickled pink to have Sarah under the same roof. He got huffy when she demanded that he move out. Xander not only refused to leave but had it out with Rex about how many times he hurt Sarah.
Things got physical and Xander warned Sarah to keep an eye on her violent boyfriend. Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Days of our Lives
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