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A Critic’s Review Of Days of our Lives: Notes On A Soap Opera

The author’s opinions on Days of our Lives are his and his alone. They’re suitably scathing, fairly humorous, and normally bang on target.

headshots of actors stephen nichols, stacy haiduk, remington hoffmanSteve, Kristen, and Li

When it comes to Days of our Lives, every fan has their own opinion – and Soap Hub is no different. For five days we sat and watched the good, the bad, and everything in between, and now we offer you a handy review, and a cheeky critique, of the Days of our Lives week that was.

Days of our Lives: A Critic’s Notes

In this column, I going to share with you a sampling of the notes I took — read: committed to paper in barely legible handwriting — while watching Days of our Lives.

* Drunk Xander (Paul Telfer), boo! …Xander all but offering himself to Gwen (Emily O’Brien) to do with as she pleases, double boo! … Gwen failing to bite, acceptable. Maybe there’s hope for this one yet. Maybe. …Shirtless Xander, now we’re talking! …Xander and Gwen in varying states of undress and looking unkempt, check. Cue Sarah’s (Linsey Godfrey) arrival in 3…2…1…So damn predictable.

* Hey Sonny (Zach Tinker), maybe you should stay and support your husband. Kicking Leo (Greg Rikaart) out on his ear can and will wait. HEY! Didn’t you hear what I said?! — technically that last part I didn’t write down, but I do remember shouting something pretty similar at my TV. Yes, I do occasionally talk at the TV. Luckily, it has yet to communicate back.

* How nice to see the writers remember that Salem has its own airport. That reference to O’Hare a while back was weird.

* Is it just me, or could this show use an updated title sequence? Has this one changed even in the slightest since 1993?

* Why is it that Steve (Stephen Nichols) was the only person to think to try and entrap Kristen with a recording device?

* Belle’s (Martha Madison) back. Squeal!

* I’m sorry, but these excuses for Claire’s glaring absence aren’t doing it for me.

* Leave it to Marlena (Deidre Hall) to comfort someone while she’s lying on her own deathbed.

* Li knows where Rolf (Richard Wharton) is?! God, he’s just the worst.

* How many more people have to threaten to kill Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) before somebody does the world a favor all ready?! If there’s not a murder mystery in the works, then DAYS is sure missing a primo opportunity.

* Ah, a reference to Caroline Brady. None of that actually happened onscreen, but I’m actually feeling something here.

* Belle’s only back by the grace of Victor (John Aniston)? Way to keep the character alive and relevant DAYS!

* My goodness Dan Feuerriegel is a great actor. Genuinely charming with little Rachel one minute, glowering and growling at Kristen the next.

* Where the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is Sami (Alison Sweeney)?!

* Why is it so hard to honor a dying person’s wish to expire at home, in their own bed?

* Will someone, ANYONE please discipline that beastly little Rachel?!

* I actually don’t hate all this computer-generated imagery. It’s honestly no better and no worse than what was on offer from Once Upon a Time, and I quite enjoyed that show.

* Surely EJ isn’t so stupid to think that Stefan (Brandon Barash) won’t come after him. Right?

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