Sonny totally panicked when Will wanted the cops after Leo was killed on Days of Our Lives (DOOL). Did he just make a huge mistake that much worse?!
It all started when Will (Chandler Massey) arrived at the Kiriakis mansion and spoiled Leo’s (Greg Rikaart) grand plan to make Sonny (Freddie Smith) marry him in exchange for dropping the sexual harassment lawsuit. When Leo freaked out on Will, Sonny stepped in.
He couldn’t handle watching Will get strangled again and threw Leo off of his ex-husband. Unfortunately, when he tossed him toward the fireplace, Leo hit his head and ended up dying from the injury.
Will’s first instinct was to call the police but a mortified Sonny feared what the scandal would do to him personally and to Titan’s bottom line. He didn’t believe for one second that the police would believe that he didn’t kill Leo on purpose.
Soap Hub wondered if fans felt that Sonny made a huge mistake by not letting Will call the cops, or was he smart to not trust how things would go down. Here are the results.
On Your Side
A whopping 94% think the smart thing for Sonny to have done would have been to call the cops. After all, he knows Hope (Kristian Alfonso), the police commissioner, as well as Rafe (Galen Gering) and Eli (Lamon Archey) personally. Why would he fear they’d railroad him?
Not only that, Victor (John Aniston) would do everything he could too to protect him. Come on, Sonny! You’re usually a lot smarter than this. Maybe Victor was smart to fire him as CEO.
Run, Sonny, Run
That leaves 6% who sided with Sonny, thinking there was no way he’d get a fair shake by the police. It does look awful that the guy who was suing him was killed in his own living room, no matter how much help Will thinks his “word” would be. No, you did the right thing, Sonny!
Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Chandler Massey 'Fan Channel'

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