Could it be? Who knows? But we can hope because, hey, we still have Hope although she killed Stefano, hid the body, lied for a year, escaped prison, and then agreed to marry Rafe.
All in a day’s work for former Days of Our Lives (DOOL) head writer Dena Higley, and that’s not even the half of it. Or a quarter. Or even an eighth.
All we know is that when DAYS ended today, so did the darkest time in Salem history and not a moment too soon. Tomorrow, it’s a brand-new day as DAYS Reboot 3.0 commences and that’s it folks. This one better work, and we have to believe with all our Salem might and fight that it will.
From what we know, thanks to new head writer Ron Carlivati’s tweets, tomorrow begins with John arriving back in Salem once again telling us it feels good to be home.
We’re expecting it will feel good for us as well. Maybe we will feel at home in Salem again. After all, the fall will give us Chandler Massey as Will (we assume), Alison Sweeney as Sami, and Eileen Davidson probably as Kristen (and possibly Susan and others).
Heck, even Dr. Rolf is returning. (If we can’t have Stefano, we may as well have his former right-hand man, right?)
Carlivati arrived with a built in supercouple for the next generation and, according to Billy Flynn, decided to roll with it. We suspect Gabi will end up back with JJ, and Chad and Abby will get back on track. It may take a while, but it is the end game, as Executive Producer Ken Corday has already said. (Thanks for the spoiler, Ken.)
A new Ciara will arrive on the scene (although we don’t know who will play the legacy character), Belle and Shawn are apparently back for Christmas (according to a script posted by Galen Gering), and Carlivati tells Soap Opera Digest even Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) will have his own major storyline.
Higley’s tenure began with a serial killer story that had potential until that killer murdered Will Horton, enraging fans everywhere. Carlivati looks to be remedying that enormously grave error while inheriting a murder mystery story that hopefully sticks to just one death and doesn’t massacre half the cast.
Can we all forget Yo Ling? An amulet? Halo High? A deserted island that turned Paul into the Incredible Hulk? Shane as Stefano (we think)? Theresa leaving her baby behind to live with a Mexican drug lord?
Nicole moving next door to a sex addict? Daniel’s heart going on in Brady and finding a crazy lady named Summer? Can we put it all behind us? Well, we can try.
Finally, will it feel good to be home as John says? Our gut tells us–yes.
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