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Ben vs. JJ: Should These Two Adversaries Face Off of Days of Our Lives?!

Days of Our LivesDays of Our Lives

Ben killed the woman JJ loved on Days of Our Lives (DOOL) and now he’s out and free to roam around Salem as he pleases.

Even though JJ (Casey Moss) was able to love again and move on after losing Paige (True O’Brien), that doesn’t mean she is ever far from his mind or heart. When JJ saw Ben (Robert Scott Wilson) after he broke out of the mental institution, he almost shot him at the police station.

JJ was pushed to the edge when he saw Ben again, and that was when Ben was still in custody! Now that he is free, there’s no telling how JJ will react when he sees him. Hope (Kristian Alfonso) was worried about him and at least alerted JJ.

Now that it’s no longer in theory and he’s really free, Soap Hub asked if you’re eager to see the two run into each other again. Here’s what you had to say.

World War III
After over 4,000 votes were tallied, 73% hope these two young men have an intense confrontation.

You loved the seeing JJ embrace his dark side when it came to dealing with Ben. He’s been too nice recently and that was the first time you saw a spark in him in ages. While you like that JJ is a good guy, you like him in action too.

Avoidence Is Key
Still, 27% or you are a bit worried about what a confrontation between these two could do to JJ.

He finally turned his life around and dedicated himself to doing the right thing. You would hate to see a confrontation with Ben send JJ down the wrong path once again.

Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: xlene91x

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