Sally and Liam’s ordeal in the building collapse of Spectra Fashions on The Bold and the Beautiful may have been a near-death experience, but as devoted soap fans know it was also a baptism by fire in that it has bonded them together for life, possibly romantically.
Are Sally (Courtney Hope) and Liam (Scott Clifton) a viable duo that B&B fans will accept into their hearts? Soap Hub asked fans to weigh in on this, and here are the results!
Sorry, Steffy
The majority of you, nearly 77%, believe that yes, Sally and Liam are a couple that fans can get behind. The romance happened quickly. Sally had no sooner lost Thomas than Liam came into her life and started being a knight in shining armor to the red-headed heroine.
And goodness knows she needed it! Bill Spencer became fixated on the Spectra lot and saw that it was the only place where his tower could be built!
Shared Encounters
When Sally and Liam were lying near death in the rubble, she opened her heart and told Liam that she loved him and kissed him.
Perhaps it’s the lack of support he’s felt he’s received from his wife, Steffy, but Liam has been drawn to Sally.
And that’s a reality that can’t be denied! Liam fought long and hard to win Steffy’s heart, but he knows that there’s something between him and Sally that goes beyond wanting to protect her from his dad.
Marriage Vows Matter
The rest of you, just over 23%, feel that you can’t accept Sally and Liam as a couple. These voters are probably comprised of two types of people.
There are those who feel that Liam and Steffy should not be given up on and they need to work out their problems (like Steffy standing more by Bill than her own husband in some cases).
Perhaps, also, there are devoted Thomas and Sally fans out there who just aren’t ready to see her take up with another man. People need time to get over one love before they move on to the next. It just may be a case of “too soon” for Liam and Sally.
The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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