The Beyond The Gates recap for Tuesday, February 25, reveals that Bill thinks he has the upper hand on Vernon and Anita Dupree. Meanwhile, Dani wreaked havoc on Bill’s office while Martin and Smitty discussed their teens. Plus, Ashley started out at the hospital.
What Happened On Beyond The Gates?
Nicole (Daphnée Duplaix) and her assistant worked to pick a scholarship winner out of a group of great candidates, and she had other details to decide. She and her husband, Ted (Maurice Johnson), discussed the scene the day before between Dani (Karla Mosley) and Hayley (Marquita Goings) at the club. Nicole admitted that she was infuriated by Bill (Timon Kyle Durrett) mistreating Dani.
After Ted left, Hayley showed up with cookies for Nicole, but Nicole wasn’t having it. Hayley wanted Nicole to help her get assimilated to Fairmont Crest. Nicole sent Hayley and her cookies off without giving an inch. After all, Dani is Nicole’s sister, and family comes first.
MORE: Here’s what happened yesterday on BTG.
BTG Recap: Memories
Dani cried at home as she looked back at photos of her wedding to Bill. Anita (Tamara Tunie) walked in, and she gave her daughter a hug as Dani cried over Bill leaving her. After a few moments, Dani pulled herself together, and she asked her mom not to let her cry and be weak again.

Anita addressed Dani punching Hayley. She asked her daughter to move on but didn’t have a lecture for her. Dani teared up again over Bill and Hayley moving into Fairmont Crest and booking the club for their wedding. Anita interrupted Dani’s pity party by reminding her that Bill was the villain. She reminded Dani she was a Dupree woman, and told her to tap into her heritage.
READ MORE: Fun facts and BTG Easter eggs.

Restless Beyond The Gates
Martin (Brandon Claybon) and his granddad, Vernon (Clifton Davis), arrived at the Dupree estate after golfing with kids. They discussed Dani hitting Hayley. Vernon didn’t think it was good to resort to violence, but Martin told him that some people needed to be hit.
Martin talked to Vernon about being restless. He credited his granddad for helping him get to the House of Representatives. They discussed the importance of Vernon’s work in the civil rights movement.
Vernon said he regretted helping Bill start out his practice. Martin agreed with his grandpa that Bill wasn’t a good guy. Even so, Vernon was happy for Bill to be out of the family even though it hurt Dani.
Hayley showed up at Bill’s office, and he was infuriated about Dani punching Hayley. He wanted to take care of it, but Hayley urged him to let Dani have the win. She did lament how she’d been smacked down at every turn on what should’ve been a special day.
Hayley said she wished they could cancel the wedding and elope. She worried that nobody but their firm would show up. However, Bill promised to fix things so they could get married at the club.
After Martin left, Bill’s doorbell rang. Vernon wasn’t happy to find Bill at his doorstep. Bill insisted that the entire Dupree family show up at his and Hayley’s wedding. Obviously, Vernon wasn’t interested. However, Bill reminded him that Vernon and the family owed him from previous favors.
Anita walked in, and Vernon told her about Bill’s visit. She hated giving into Bill, but they weren’t interested in taking a risk. They agreed that protecting Martin was their priority.
READ THIS: Here’s what we learned about Dani and Nicole on BTG.
Martin went home, and his husband, Bradley “Smitty” Smith (Mike Manning), welcomed him home. They discussed their family and adopting their twins, teenagers Samantha and Tyrell. Smitty told Martin that Tyrell was going through something, but he’d be okay. They also discussed giving Samantha permission to date.
Smitty wanted to know about Martin’s dream, but Martin got irritated. He shut down Smitty’s concern, asking what was for dinner.
Dani burst into Bill’s office as he was in a meeting, and she grabbed his golf club and cleared everything off Bill’s desk. She pointed the club at him and said, “You sorry, son of a bitch.”
Curious Moments
At Garland Memorial Hospital, Ashley (Jen Jacob) got a visit from her mom, Jan (Jerri Tubbs). Jan wanted to give Ashley a nice, healthy lunch for her first day. Ashley gave her mom credit for her becoming a nurse.
Dana “Leslie” Thomas (Trisha Mann-Grant) and Eva (Ambyr Michelle) were with Jan, and they discussed Eva becoming a hairstylist. As they stepped on the elevator, Ted walked off, and “Leslie” gave him a look, but he didn’t recognize her.
Ashley’s preceptor, Shanice (Ernestine Johnson), introduced herself. She promised to help teach Ashley all the things she didn’t already know. Ashley shadowed Shanice. Andre (Sean Freeman) was at the hospital, and he snapped a photo. Shanice warned Ashley that Andre was a player.
“Leslie” and Eva got home, and they talked about a plan they had to get revenge on something that happened to Dana all those years ago. Eva reaffirmed her commitment to make sure her mom got what she was owed.
Andre met with Nicole and Ted at the hospital to discuss where to shoot the biography for her upcoming award. After Andre left to go look at their house, Ted noted how much the photographer reminded him us his late brother.
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