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Drama Unlocked: CBS Gives Fans a Sneak Peek of Beyond The Gates

Beyond the Gates ushers in a new era of CBS Daytime as a third soap is added to the lineup in 2025. And it will be the first new soap to debut on broadcast TV in over 25 years.

Beyond the Gates key art plus first photo featuring Anita and Nicole Dupree, with Soap Hub LogoCBS Daytime is about to get soapier.

It’s not even Christmas, yet CBS Daytime decided to drop a couple of gifts for soap fans to enjoy. It recently released a teaser of its brand new daytime drama, Beyond the Gates, as well as an episodic photo featuring Tamara Tunie as matriarch Anita Dupree and Daphnée Duplaix, who plays her daughter Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson.

The Gates are Almost Open

CBS Daytime is about to get soapier, according to the teaser on CBS’s YouTube channel. The video gives a sneak peek of the lavish lifestyle the Duprees are accustomed to behind and beyond the security gate. The show is clearly getting ready for guests. A car is arriving. A table is being set. And then a succession of voiceovers serves to whet fans’ appetites for what’s to come.

“Here we are.”
“A new dawn.”
“Welcome to Fairmont Crest.”
“This is going to make history. How awesome is that?”
“Our family rules this community.”

The Duprees lead the charge with shots of Clifton Davis‘s Vernon Dupree and his wife Anita, setting the tone for this video, featuring dramatic music and even more dramatic actions. Things escalate with quick shots of two people having sex in bed and what looks like a budding confrontation featuring Anita. It all culminates with Karla Mosley‘s Dani Dupree spectacularly clearing off a table with a golf club and putting her ex-husband, Bill Hamilton (Timon Durrett), on notice.

Check out the photo featuring Anita Dupree and her daughter, Dr. Nicole Dupree Richardson.

Beyond The Gates Daphnee Duplaix and Tamara Tunie.

And make sure to watch the teaser below. Beyond The Gates premieres on CBS on February 24, 2025, at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT.

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