Adam is back on The Young and the Restless and he has two obsessions — getting his son, Christian, back from Nick, and getting his other son, Connor, from Chelsea. (If Chelsea wants to come along for the ride, so much the better, a happy Newman family, at last.)
Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) has been busy. Her husband, Calvin, unexpectedly (?) dropped dead, and Adam (Mark Grossman) couldn’t wait to suggest to Paul (Doug Davidson) that Chelsea killed him. No wonder Chelsea didn’t want to bring Connor home from camp to live in the middle of this.
But now, Paul had declared Calvin’s death from natural causes, Chelsea is off the hook, and Nick (Joshua Morrow) has even offered her and Conn-r a room in the house Nick shares with Christian – just like the good, old days! Is now the right time to bring Connor home? What over 10,000 fans said about that:
Make Like Jean Valjean and Bring Him Home
Now would be the best time, 89% of you cheer. For one thing, having Connor in Genoa City should distract Adam from obsessing about Christian.
That tot already lost one set of parents, when Sharon (Sharon Case) and Dylan (Steve Burton) were revealed to not be his real parents, he doesn’t deserve to lose Nick, too. Connor and Chelsea is the family Adam really wants. Let him focus on them.
Soap Stud
A returning Connor will be 16 years old, and played by a 30-year-old, won’t he, 11% of the audience sighs. And you’re not in the mood for another Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome summer special.
Also, if we’re supposed to believe that Chelsea really sees Adam as a threat to Connor, why in the world would she bring him into his dad’s orbit? Chelsea should keep Connor out of Genoa City…and some of you would prefer she joins him.
The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.
Video Credit: Restless Moments
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