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Coincidental Kidney? This Nelle Story Will NEVER Work on General Hospital (GH)

General HospitalGeneral Hospital

OK, General Hospital (GH) needs to give up on this Nelle story right now. Pretend it never happened. Do not pass go. Perhaps it was all just a bad dream, because the longer it goes on, the more ridiculous it becomes.

We are now to believe Jax (Ingo Rademacher) gave Frank Benson a cool mil to find a kidney out of nowhere. Was Frank supposed to go around testing random people to see if they had a kidney that matched Josslyn (Eden McCoy)?

And, isn’t it miraculous he had a daughter who fit the bill–someone not even blood related to Carly, Jax, or Joss?

Also, at the time Joss received her transplant, we were lead to believe this kidney came from a dead Jake Webber (or Jake Spencer, as he was known as then–inexplicable name change). Carly (Laura Wright) and Jax also believed that. Heck, everyone in Port Charles believed that in a very dramatic story.

So, how did Jax know that Jake never died and that Josslyn still needed a kidney? He’d have to believe that to make sure Nelle’s (Chloe Lanier) kidney ended up in Josslyn. We assume he even gave Frank all that money that seems to have disappeared because Nelle sure didn’t grow up rich.

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When GH re-wrote history and resurrected Jake in 2015 as a prop to tie Jason to Liz (even though Lucky is his legal father), we thought the mystery kidney plot would lead us to something intriguing rather than something so absurd and convoluted that we need it to end fast.

We’re not even sure the writers knew who Nelle was supposed to be when first brought on. It seemed logical she would be a Spencer since they cast the character with the same actress who played a young Pat the year before. Did they change their minds mid-way so that pairing her with Michael (Chad Duell) could work without the pesky incest thing?

We guess we’ll never know. The only thing we do know is that despite the stellar acting, this story earns a big fat F.

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