Days of Our Lives recap for Thursday, August 22, 2019, features a party no one will ever forget. John surprised Marlena. Marlena surprised John. And, Kristen shocked all of them!
Remembering Romance
It’s the day of the big celebration and everyone is ready for romance. John (Drake Hogestyn) and Marlena (Deidre Hall) were like giddy teens leading each other to the club. Boy, were they shocked when they found out they planned the exact same surprise. Great minds think alike!
Susan Attacked
Of course, no Salem party is complete without some drama. Poor Susan (Stacy Haiduk) was attacked twice. First, Kate (Lauren Koslow) went after her and tried to pull out her teeth to prove she was a fake. Boy, did Kate have egg on her face!
As if that wasn’t bad enough, “Nicole” went after her too. “Nicole” (Arianne Zucker) invited her to powder their noses together but Susan never came out of the washroom.
True Love
Tony (Thaao Penghlis) and Anna (Leann Huntley) had a little fun making each other crazy jealous. He stuck closer to his fake wife, she stuck closer by her fake fiance, but they only had eyes for each other.
The First Hint
Eric (Greg Vaughan) and Brady agreed to be civil, especially around their ladies. The brothers can be at arms later, today is not the day and this is not the time. Meanwhile, Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) became absolutely enthralled with Tony and asked if she could ask him questions about Rolf. He was quite the evil genius — especially that odd face mask technology.
The Truth Leaked
Hearing about the mask hit a note with John and really got him thinking. The pieces began to fall into place when Hope got a call from Eli (Lamon Archey). Xander admitted Kristen was his boss this entire time. As soon as John heard that everything came together. Kristen is alive and posing as one of them. But who?
The Ultimate Reveal!
Within minutes, John revisited all the strange encounters with Nicole. She was never the same since coming back. In fact, she is a completely different person. Of course! It all made sense. Nicole is really Kristen!
John sought “Nicole” out, grabbed her by the wig, and ripped her face off! Talk about a showstopper! All eyes were on Nicole and everyone’s jaws hit the floor. Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
You Lying Little... - Days of our Lives (Episode Highlight)
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