After nearly two decades of marriage, beloved General Hospital (GH) star Laura Wright announced her divorce this past spring. What she didn’t say was that she and husband, John, split up long before.
According to the July 18 issue of ABC Soaps and Depth, Wright has been living the single life and finding herself for two years. While she admits it was unusual at first, she has now found peace.
Not only did Wright end her marriage amicably, she also had two kids who grew up. With both John and Lauren in their teens, she found they didn’t need her as much anymore, which gave her, even more, time for herself. Eventually, she learned to love it.
“I’m in this great place of hanging out with Laura,” Wright told Soaps In Depth. “I have a big picture of what I want from life now, and I’m still discovering things I like.”
Wright said meditation retreats, as well as healthy exercise, helped improve her life and now she wants to help others.
“All of this is me climbing back up from my marriage ending,” she told In Depth. “It was sad and difficult to go ‘Now what, Laura?’ But, it turns out ‘Now what’ is freaking awesome. I’m learning so much about who I am.”
Wright came to fame on daytime 25 years ago as Ally Rescott on the now-defunct ABC soap “Loving”. She also spent time on “Guiding Light” as Cassie Layne before settling in as the fourth Carly Roberts Corinthos on GH.
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General Hospital's Laura Wright Dishes Daytime Drama.
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